🗃️ Action Wheel
A global API which is used for customizing your player's Action Wheel
🗃️ Animations
A global API used for control of Blockbench Animations
📄️ Avatar
A global API containing functions to interact with your avatar's metadata, and also to get information about the current script environment
📄️ Client
A global API used to interact with the current Minecraft client
📄️ Config
A global API used to save and load avatar data between game sessions
🗃️ Data
A global API that provides functions to work with data related features
🗃️ Events
A global API that contains all of the figura Events
📄️ File
A global API that contains features to work with files
📄️ Host
A global API dedicated to specifically the host of the avatar
🗃️ Json
A global API that contains features to work with JSON
🗃️ Keybinds
A global API containing a function to create new Keybind instances
📄️ Math
Contains functions which Figura adds to the default Lua "math" library table
🗃️ Matrices
A global API which provides functions dedicated to creating and otherwise manipulating matrices
📄️ Misc Globals
Documentation for the various things Figura adds to the global lua state
🗃️ Models
The global instance of the Avatar Models and its subtypes
🗃️ Nameplate
A global API which is used for customizing your player's nameplate in chat, above your head, and in the tab list
🗃️ Net
A global API that contains networking related features
🗃️ Particles
A global API which is used for dealing with Minecraft's particles
📄️ Pings
Go here for information on Pings
🗃️ Player
The global instance of the EntityAPI and its subtypes
📄️ Raycast
A global API which provides functions for raycasting
📄️ Renderer
A global API providing functions that change the way Minecraft renders your player
📄️ Resources
The global instance of ResourcesAPI
🗃️ Sound
A global API which is used to play Minecraft sounds
🗃️ Textures
A global API which allows for creating textures at runtime
🗃️ Vanilla Model
A global API that provides functions to interact with the vanilla player model and its parts
🗃️ Vectors
A global API which provides functions dedicated to creating and otherwise manipulating vectors
🗃️ World
A global API dedicated to reading information from the Minecraft world.