📄️ BlockRaycastTypes
List of valid BlockRaycastTypes
📄️ Colors
List of custom colors
📄️ EntityPoses
List of poses a living entity can have, as accessed by :getPose()
📄️ FluidRaycastTypes
List of valid FluidRaycastTypes
📄️ HeightmapTypes
List of valid HeightmapTypes
📄️ ItemDisplayModes
Item Display Modes can be used to detect the display mode of an item through the item_render event, or it can be used to apply transformations to item tasks.
📄️ KeyIDs
List of valid KeyIDs. Used within the KeybindAPI.
📄️ KeybindsList
List of valid keybind keys. Used within the KeybindAPI.
📄️ LoopModes
These are the loop modes a blockbench animation can be set to. They can be initialized in blockbench itself or changed in the code via setLoop(String).
📄️ ParentTypes
ParentTypes are applied to ModelParts to apply specific transformations, or change how the ModelPart behaves.
📄️ PlayStates
The play state of a Blockbench animation, detected with getPlayState().
📄️ PlayerModelParts
These are outer layer parts used in conjunction with player:isSkinLayerVisible(String) to detect what parts a player has enabled via the Minecraft Skin Customizations setting.
📄️ PostEffects
These are the Super Secret Settings screen effects. They can be applied to the avatar user's POV via renderer:setPostEffect(string).
📄️ Registries
A list of valid registries.
📄️ RenderModes
Render modes indicate what context the avatar is being rendered in.
📄️ RenderTypes
Modelpart render types that can be applied via setPrimaryRenderType(string) or setSecondaryRenderType(string)
📄️ StringEncodings
List of valid string encodings
📄️ TextureTypes
Texture Types you can set using setPrimaryTexture and setSecondaryTexture
📄️ UseActions
What hold-right-click action an item you're using has. As this is for holding actions only, there are no use actions for single press actions like placing a block, feeding an animal, or using blocks like buttons, doors, or trapdoors.