📄️ Action Wheel
Tutorial for most things action wheel
📄️ Animations
Tutorial for playing and troubleshooting Blockbench animations
📄️ Avatar Metadata
avatar.json information
📄️ Commands
Figura comes with a small set of commands that can help you use Figura. As Figura is a client-side mod these only affect the client.
📄️ Custom Items
Custom items tutorial
📄️ Emissive Textures
This page describes everything to know about Emissive Textures.
📄️ Keybinds
Keybind tutorial
📄️ ModelPart Indexing
This page describes the process to access any ModelPart from the global ModelPart models
📄️ Particles
Spawning particles tutorial
📄️ Pings
Information on pings
📄️ Sounds
Playing sounds tutorial
🗃️ Types
5 items