A list of valid registries.
This page is a WIP. It contains all the information in Figura's documentation but we're working on adding more helpful descriptions.
Used in client.getRegistry to select the type of registry
Registries | Description |
command_argument_type | - |
item | - |
block_entity_type | - |
custom_stat | - |
worldgen/foliage_placer_type | - |
stat_type | - |
worldgen/material_rule | - |
worldgen/structure_type | - |
attribute | - |
position_source_type | - |
height_provider_type | - |
rule_block_entity_modifier | - |
worldgen/density_function_type | - |
fluid | - |
loot_condition_type | - |
worldgen/structure_pool_element | - |
activity | - |
recipe_serializer | - |
frog_variant | - |
banner_pattern | - |
instrument | - |
decorated_pot_patterns | - |
worldgen/feature_size_type | - |
point_of_interest_type | - |
mob_effect | - |
loot_pool_entry_type | - |
worldgen/block_state_provider_type | - |
worldgen/chunk_generator | - |
float_provider_type | - |
chunk_status | - |
enchantment | - |
loot_function_type | - |
worldgen/structure_processor | - |
loot_score_provider_type | - |
worldgen/tree_decorator_type | - |
schedule | - |
worldgen/material_condition | - |
entity_type | - |
villager_profession | - |
potion | - |
recipe_type | - |
int_provider_type | - |
worldgen/feature | - |
cat_variant | - |
pos_rule_test | - |
worldgen/structure_placement | - |
tracked_data_handlers | - |
loot_nbt_provider_type | - |
menu | - |
worldgen/trunk_placer_type | - |
creative_mode_tab | - |
worldgen/placement_modifier_type | - |
worldgen/carver | - |
loot_number_provider_type | - |
worldgen/structure_piece | - |
sound_event | - |
particle_type | - |
game_event | - |
worldgen/biome_source | - |
worldgen/root_placer_type | - |
villager_type | - |
painting_variant | - |
block_predicate_type | - |
block | - |
sensor_type | - |
rule_test | - |
memory_module_type | - |